Monday, May 6, 2013


My church has been having members of the parish occasionally preach on Sundays. They are asked to preach specifically on their vocation. Our rector always introduces these special sermons by quoting Fredrich Buechner (American writer & theologian) on what vocation is.

"Vocation is the place where our deep gladness meets the world's deep need.”

This past Sunday, Mary Yu delivered the message on her vocation and how God uses her as a King County Superior Court judge. Great message by an equally great person of faith.

I have been thinking about my own "vocation". In refering to Buechner's definition above, I would say that my "vocation" is follower/disciple of Jesus. I experience deep gladness when I am talking, thinking, sharing, or learning about God.

I am currently reading a great book on evangelism by Brian McLaren. In my last blog I quoted from him. One of the things that has struck me while reading this book is how far I have come in my view of what being a disciple of Christ really is.

While I in high school and college I "evangelized" every chance that I had. I felt called to lead others to Christ. This evangelizing was more of bullying and scaring people into accepting Jesus as their savior in order to escape hell. I had those verses referring to salvation committed to memory. I spent very little time really listening to those I was so desperately trying to lead to the cross and salvation. I had the answers and they just needed to listen and accept. Every time I walked away having failed to have the person I was talking to not get down on their knees and accept Christ, I felt dejected, sad and guilty that I could not save them from eternal damnation. WOW!

Needless to say that is not how I feel now. To me being a disciple of Jesus means being a light in darkness. Listening and loving those, who just like me, are struggling to find their path. It means letting Jesus lead me and treating others as fellow children of God - not sinners who desperately need salvation. It means sharing how my relationship with God deepens me and gives my life meaning and purpose. It means serving as a reflection, in every thing I do, of God's unfathomable love. That is my vocation.

... since God so loved us, we also ought to love one another.
1 John 4:11

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